Healthy Eating and Walking Finally Paying Off 😀

Healthy Eating and Walking Finally Paying Off 😀

It’s taken a while but results are evident. I weighed in this morning at 230.4. That’s the lowest I’ve weighed since I started this journey the day after Christmas when the alarm went off when I weighed an a shocking 246 pounds. Continue reading Healthy Eating and Walking Finally Paying Off 😀

Fat Shamed

Fat Shamed

Are you overweight or obese? Congratulations. You are in the majority. 66% of Americans are in that category. We are a nation of fat people and subject to fat-shaming even by others who are overweight! It’s the pot calling the kettle black! So, what can you do about fat-shamers? Here are some pointers about what to do about it and what God thinks of fat people. Continue reading Fat Shamed