A Dieter’s Delight

We haven’t seen Annette in a month of Sundays. We talk occasionally but haven’t fellowshipped together in a long while. 

So, we were excited when she called the other day and invited us to dinner. 

I used to be Annette’s pastor and remember her delicious dishes she brought when we had a covered dish dinner after church. She made the best mouthwatering, delicious coconut and chocolate pies ever. Both are my favorites. 

Last night, she grilled steaks with baked potato, sautéed onions, and garlic bread. Ooo wee!  That was good. To top it off, she brought out her homemade coconut and chocolate pies. 

We stuffed ourselves like two starving people. And besides, both of us were craving sweets like sweets from her chocolate and coconut pies. 

I bolused extra insulin, but my glucose reading at bedtime was a little over 200. It hadn’t been that high since We started practicing healthy eating four weeks ago!  

But, it was sure good! I guess falling off the wagon one time isn’t going to keep us off the weight loss track that we are having success with. 

And the fellowship we had together was sweeter than the pie. It was a great evening. 

But, there is one sweet that is sweeter than her pies. The Psalmist wrote, “How sweet are your words to my taste sweeter than honey to my mouth” (Psalm 119:103). 

Now, that’s the kind of sweet that is a dieter’s delight!  God’s Word tastes sweeter than honey. No carbs. No calories. No storage of fat cells in my body. Just storage in my soul to enjoy again and again. Wonderful words of life offering pardon and peace to all!  

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